Project Detail
Our clients often request our traffic expertise to assist them in providing parking and queuing analysis. Sometimes it is to identify an optimal parking layout for their employees or patrons, whereas other times, it is to mitigate high peak congestion periods where parking lot circulation is difficult. Our goal is to carefully listen to our clients’ needs and develop creative alternatives to resolve their issues.
Recently TRACE has provided several parking and queuing analyses for our clients. These include event centers where circulation plans for churches, schools, and sporting complexes are determined to provide a more efficient traffic flow for both on-site and off-site vehicle travel as well as pedestrian circulation. The goal of these projects is to balance additional discharge points to better distribute the on-site traffic, while protecting the nearby neighborhoods against traffic infiltration. Our team also works with land planners and architects during the site planning stage to ensure parking areas are adequately sized to meet city code and are optimized for shared uses. This type of evaluation is provided through both a spatial and temporal analysis of land use needs.
Location: Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport
Owner: City of Phoenix Aviation Department