Project Detail
The existing Terminal 4 Apron portland cement concrete pavement (PCCP) was installed in 1991 with depths varying between 18 inches and 19.5 inches in thickness. In several areas, this pavement has been distressed by Alkali Silica Reactivity (ASR) over time. In certain areas, the distress has advanced to a point where it could result in Foreign Object Debris (FOD) and related safety and operational issues. This project removed and replaced 6,180 PCCP panels around Terminal 4’s south concourses.
TRACE provided construction surveying services including the verification of horizontal and vertical control for the project and construction staking of: removal limits, trench drain location, aggregate base course blue top at paving plan grid intersections, PCCP layout, etc. Additionally, TRACE prepared a digital terrain model for subgrade for Contractor use during construction.
Location: Sky Harbor International Airport, Phoenix, AZ
Owner: City of Phoenix Aviation Department